This catalog lists books which were written by members of the Upper Peninsula Publisher’s & Author’s Association (UPPAA). Any active member can submit their book data for the catalog at any time. This includes any book you may have written, regardless of whether it concerns the U.P. or not.
Be Infinite is an innovative and easy-to-understand guide to discovering your life purpose through Divinely guided insights of your Personal Framework and your Spiritual Milestone. When Eve moves to a charming lake town nestled along the Lake Michigan shoreline, her parents are excited to make a fresh start and new friends. But Eve soon realizes there's something sinister about the Blackwells and wonders if she can break free from their deception before it's too late. "My Whale of a Tale" is the adventurous story of Harrison, a young boy and whose imagination could fill up this book. Readers will delight in the colorful illustrations of this lyrical story. Journey through the ages of Talithia in this collection of noblebright fantasy stories where the best of her citizens, highborn and low, fight the decays of their age, and choose to do what is right, even when they know they may lose everything. As the seasons turn
one to the next, so we travel
from East to West.
We rise and flow with the years ...
-- from "Ceremony"
Poetry is the heart speaking, the eye observing and the sound sharing what we live. A humorous tale of love, friendship, and overcoming life's greatest obstacles!
Charlando, a wayward alien with a one track mind, comes to Earth in search for love. He believes he finds that in Janet, a struggling alcoholic just trying to get through the day. When the Marquis de Marquette chooses to spend the summer of 1908 in Marquette, Michigan, a city named for his illustrious Jesuit relative, the residents are all astir with excitement. But the marquis is not the man he claims to be, and soon some of Marquette's finest families find themselves caught up in his dangerous game. Quinby Clark is stuck living with her horrible family in Sydney, Australia, until she starts talking with birds and is invited to a mysterious boarding school for Animal Listeners. Soon wrongfully accused of causing trouble, Quinby must prove her innocence while rescuing precious animals. In The Third Mary Re-Emerges, the soul of Mary Magdalene’s mother shares deep understanding of both the challenges of human experience and the wisdoms that can transform them. Roslyn McGrath helps you fully embrace your sacred humanness and expand your ability to help create the New Earth. THE DECADE OF LETTING THINGS GO is a book of linked essays containing still-relevant experiences that take place after the age of becoming socially and/or professionally invisible, as Cris Mazza searches for the elusive serenity of self-acceptance among a growing list of losses. But is there liberation in these losses? When an argyle sock disappears in a dryer and lands in the Misplaced Universe, all the evil lost Things in this new world cannot stop him from returning to his beloved, rather annoying, brother. Here is the final horror of the puppet become the master.
The Death of Tintagiles Death is an original 21,500 word surrealistic horror novella set in contemporary Detroit. With transgressive elements and a literary style, it is appropriate for adult readers. I have found a common theme: narcissists want to devalue you and deplete your energy. Your relationship with them may be toxic from the beginning, yet it's like a spider's web as the trauma bond entangles you. So, if you're a woman like me or even a woman in this world of these men, this book will help you spot Join Nancy Benson as she and her friends host a Nancy Drew convention at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in 1983. Chaos happens when a rare first edition goes missing, they are accused, and mystery, mirth, mayhem, and miracles follow. Wishing she had never grown up to live a life filled with lies, Wendy T. Bell finds the perfect hiding place in Mackinac Island where mystery, mayhem, and miracles follow. She wonders if it’s too late to find genuine happiness, friendship, and love, or do these things only exist on fairy-tale islands? The scars on her face don't compare to the scars on her heart. Follow Alice to Mackinac Island for music, and the love of a singer-songwriter for an unforgettable 1980 journey to magical, Mackinac Island filled with mystery, mayhem, and miracles. What happens when you combine a love of Wizard of Oz, Nora Ephron, James Bond movies, and the desire for true faith? You embark on an unforgettable 1980 journey to magical, Mackinac Island filled with mystery, mayhem, and miracles. What happens when you combine a love of Lucy, Nora Ephron, Old Hollywood, and the desire for true faith? You embark on an unforgettable 1979 journey to magical, Mackinac Island with Piper Penn filled with mystery, mayhem, and miracles. Tracing the history of Guts Frisbee, the book also reflects the times: from a family beach game to an intense sport played for large prize monies, and a near death and rebirth.
Guts Frisbee is back, better than ever, and this explains how we got here. Farmed Out in Ontonagon County chronicles one man’s lifelong journey of hard knocks, hard work, persistence, forgiveness, and a strong belief in the Almighty. The book is for the young and for the young at heart and rhymes from start to finish. Natural beauty is everywhere in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and summer fun seems to never end! A first-class read about international and Michigan aviation history and the human elements of love, loss, and grief. Comic Tones in Science Fiction: The Art of Compromise with Nature
(Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy) This novel is an urban fantasy set in the town of Marquette, in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and beyond. Follow the story of 17-year-old Robert Donoghue as he discovers his powers and fights for his city and the world.
Be Infinite: Access Your Unimagined Potential
Sally Heidtke
Eve's Covering
Elsie McKenney
My Whale of a Tale
Lisa Dorvinen
J.L. Rowan
Roots in Water : Selected and New Poems
Kathleen Carlton Johnson
The Great Ooflan From Corplop
Charlie Weisman
The Mysteries of Marquette: A Novel
Tyler Tichelaar
Animal Listeners: The Awakening of Quinby Clark
R. Aveen
The Third Mary Re-Emerges: 92 Messages for Fulfilling Your Purpose in Earth's Evolution from the Mother of Mary Magdalene & the Council of Light
Roslyn Elena McGrath
The Decade of Letting Things Go (A Postmenopause Memoir)
The Adventures of ArgyLe Sock
M. Kelly Peach
The Death of Tintagiles Death
M. Kelly Peach
Ain't Gonna Be No Stupid Woman | Propelled into Purpose after Narcissistic Abuse
Amy Perras
Being Nancy (In a world lost in mystery)
Michele Olson
Being Wendy (In a world afraid to grow up)
Michele Olson
Being Alice (In a world lost in the looking glass)
Michele Olson
Being Dorothy (In a world longing for home)
Michele Olson
Being Ethel (In a world that loves Lucy)
Michele Olson
Platinum Platter: 70 Years of Guts Frisbee
Dennis Walikainen
Farmed Out in Ontonagon County
Pat Winton
Upper Peninsula Fun in the Sun - Hooray for Camp Days
Johnny Storm
Legacy of an Immigrant: Four Generations of Flying
Maria Vezzetti Matson
Comic Tones in Science Fiction
Donald M. Hassler
One of Them
Kelsey Matthews