This catalog lists books which were written by members of the Upper Peninsula Publisher’s & Author’s Association (UPPAA). Any active member can submit their book data for the catalog at any time. This includes any book you may have written, regardless of whether it concerns the U.P. or not.
Conlan’s poignant memoir, with reflections upon the vital role nature plays in all our lives, will resonate with readers of all ages. Journey with Samuel and Angelique and experience the grace of dolphins and wild horses on Cumberland Island; birds, dogs, butterflies, brook trout, and grapevines in Northern Michigan; trout-fishing in Spearfish Canyon; dogs and sheep on a Montana ranch; breathtaking duck migrations in the Canadian Provinces - and majestic hawks and a mountain bluebird on Bear Butte. Forty essays with a U.P. theme, most in celebration of our fair peninsula and our adventures in enjoying it through all four seasons. And other subjects. Discover for yourself what happened back in 1524-five hundred years ago, with explorer Verrazzano along North America's eastern coast. 21 Leadership Lessons from the classroom, locker room, and battlefield that can be put into practice in your everyday life. A searing tale of crime and corruption in the tight-knit world of Michigan's Upper Peninsula Author Frances D. Maki and illustrator Sarah L. Smith are Anishinaabe and Lakota sisters from L’Anse. "A Garden Party" is in Anishinaabemowin and English and tells the whimsical story of an enchanted party with rhyming, nature, and colorful pictures. Travel back to Marquette's past and into its future in Tyler R. Tichelaar's new novel Odin's Eye: A Marquette Time Travel Novel. Meet historical people like Peter White and the Longyear family and discover how Marquette might have been different if certain events had gone differently. The fire began with a lightning strike that started a unique set of events in motion, resulting in the most destructive and costly fire in Michigan since 1908. You will read about the sheer magnitude of the "Great Seney Fire" and how it stands out as an example of cooperation and a remarkable team effort of federal and state agencies. Birthday parties are supposed to be fun, but for kids like Oscar, they can be pretty overwhelming. Swim along with Oscar as he navigates his first-ever birthday bash with a sensory overload. The Unsolved Mysteries of Father Marquette's Many Graves discusses Marquette's life in the Great Lakes area, his death, and the multiple times his body has thought to have been discovered, dug up, and reburied. A tenacious private eye provokes the wrath of supernatural forces. Can he neutralize the threat before lives are lost? An elegiac array of poems, with nostalgic themes of loss, longing, betrayal and forgiveness, Relative Sanity reflects on a lifetime in Michigan's north country.
"This lovely collection is a kind of travel narrative by a writer who 'can never get enough sky.' In poem after poem, she travels the lands of heartache and joy with grace, clarity and wisdom." -- Jerry Robert Hugh Williams, a Second Ranger Battalion veteran and avid outdoorsman, has completed his new book “A Yooper's Tale: Death by Wendigo”: a captivating story of a band of friends that have their lives changed forever by a frightening creature of Native American lore, the Wendigo. Vampire Grooms and Spectre Brides explores how French and British Gothic authors continually influenced each other throughout the nineteenth-century in writing classics like A Tale of Two Cities, Rookwood, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Dracula. Six gripping short stories set in the wilderness of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan will hold the reader spellbound as the various protagonists live, and sometimes perish, in this often harsh and rugged land. The mythical village of Nelson frames the life and plights of the various actors as they plunge headlong physically, psychologically, and metaphorically, into the treacherous waters How you can make money from can and bottle deposits that others don't want by doing what's best for the environment and economy at the same time. More great short stories about some of the biggest bucks bagged by hunters in Michigan. Lessons that can be learned about deer hunting from reading these stories can be applied to deer hunting anywhere! A memoir of my journey from losing my spouse to finding love again. A story of what I learned about myself and relationships while grieving and falling in love. A collection of miracles I have experienced related to simple moments and more significant occurrences. Memoir of my journey to finding joy while grieving the unexpected loss of my husband. Poems and prose from members of the Marquette Poets Circle. From rushing rapids to smooth sailing, this story brings to life an engineering marvel vital to the Great Lakes region, our nation, and the world. In this anthology of short fiction, J. L. Hagen brings to life the people and culture of Loyale, a fictional town poised between two worlds, Upper and Lower Michigan. Includes the award-winning novelette, "Runtley Goes Rogue," about a man who hates dogs, but who is asked by his schoolteacher-wife one day to buy a pet for their kids with horrendous
My Journey Begins Where the Road Ends
Thomas Ford Conlan
Gentle Spirits
Thomas Ford Conlan
Lake Effect. Life is Short. Drink the Good Scotch First!
DJ Williams
Verrazzano's Voyages: His Story in a Story
Maria Vezzetti Matson
LESSON 1 - Leveraging Leadership in Everyday Life
John VanDusen
The Blue Flame
Nathan Shore
Garden Party
Frances D. Maki, Sarah L. Smith
Odin's Eye: A Marquette Time Travel Novel
Tyler Tichelaar
Also Available On
The Great Seney Fire-A History of the Walsh Ditch Fire of 1976
Greg Lusk
Oscar’s Noisy Dilemma
Nikki Mitchell
The Unsolved Mysteries of Father Marquette's Many Graves
Jennifer McGraw
Also Available On
Wild Bolts Electric
Adam Dompierre
Relative Sanity: Poems
A Yooper's Tale: Death by Wendigo
Robert Hugh Williams
Vampire Grooms and Spectre Brides: The Marriage of French and British Gothic Literature, 1789-1897
Tyler Tichelaar
North of Nelson, Volume I; Stories of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Hilton Everett Moore
Also Available On
Nickel & Dime Your Way To Extra Dollars While Saving The Planet
Richard P. Smith
Great Michigan Deer Tales, Book 8; Stories Behind Michigan's biggest Bucks
Richard P. Smith
It's Okay to Love Again
Emilie Lancour
A Cup of Miracles
Emilie Lancour
It's Okay to Be Okay; Finding Joy Through Grief
Emilie Lancour
Superior Voyage
Marquette Poets Circle
Boats Can't Jump: The Story of The Soo Locks
Laura Barens
Sea Stacks
J. L. Hagen