Ann Dallman

Books By Ann Dallman

Cady and the Birchbark Box

By Ann Dallman

An exciting coming-of-age story combining a mysterious journal, Great Lakes shipwrecks, and traditions of the Anishnabe. Cady Whirlwind Thunder solves another mystery with the help of her friends, Irish and

Sam English: The Life, Work and Times of An Artist

By Ann Dallman, Sam English

This book contains more than 85 full-color reproductions of this premiere artist’s poster prints. The art and artwork spanning more than 30 years of Sam’s work is the book’s focal

Cady and the Bear Necklace

By Ann Dallman

Cady, a 13-year-old girl of Native American heritage, has experienced big changes in the past year—her father’s marriage to a much younger woman, a new baby brother, and a move

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