Submissions for U.P. Reader #8 are open!

UPPAA A collection of up reader covers.

We encourage all our UPPAA members to submit fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, history, humor, and all other types of writing to the upcoming U.P. Reader Volume #8. Really there are only two steps for you Review the guidelines Use the Submission Form to submit your work Thanks and…

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U.P. Reader Volume #5 Just Released

UPPAA The cover of up reader with a statue in the background.

U.P. Reader Volume #5 includes Best Stories from U.P. Writers of All Ages (MARQUETTE, MI, April 12, 2021) The Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association (UPPAA) presents the fifth installment of the U.P. Reader. This latest and biggest-ever edition of the annual anthology will feature the collected works of thirty-two…

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U.P. Reader Volume #4 includes Best Stories from U.P. Writers of All Ages

UP Reader 4 Cover

The Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association (UPPAA) presents the fourth installment of the U.P. Reader. This latest and biggest ever edition of the annual anthology will feature the collected works of forty-five of the best of the authors of the Upper Peninsula.  We are again thrilled to include the…

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Submissions open for U.P. Reader #3

U.P. Reader The U.P. Reader is an annual publication that represents the cross-section of writers that are the membership of the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association. This annual anthology will be used as a vehicle to showcase and promote the writers of the Upper Peninsula. Copies of the U.P….

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U.P. Reader #2 — Contributors Pre-order for Spring Conference Delivery thru May 20th

The ideal time to get your copy of U.P. Reader #2 is at the book launch which is happening at the UPPAA Spring Conference on June 2nd at the Landmark Inn, Marquette.  The conference is free when you renew your UPPAA membership for 2018 at Contributors to either Issue #1 or…

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