Category: Humor
In Search of… The Amorous Spotted Slug
Hi all you fellow writers. I am in need of one or two paragraph reports of Amorous Spotted Slug sightings for my web site. (These are similar to Elvis sightings.) I will reward each reporter with a complimentary copy of my novel and a free I ♥ My Slug T-shirt….
Hitchhiking After Dark: wins 1st Place for Humor
UPPAA author Rich Hill is happy to announce that his most recent book, “Hitchhiking After Dark: Offbeat Stories from a Small Town,” just won First Place in the Humor category at the 21st Annual Midwest Book Awards Be sure to check out all the humor books from our UPPAA member…
In Search of… The Amorous Spotted Slug
Hi all you fellow writers. I am in need of one or two paragraph reports of Amorous Spotted Slug sightings for my web site. (These are similar to Elvis sightings.) I will reward each reporter with a complimentary copy of my novel and a free I ♥ My Slug T-shirt….
Hitchhiking After Dark: wins 1st Place for Humor
UPPAA author Rich Hill is happy to announce that his most recent book, “Hitchhiking After Dark: Offbeat Stories from a Small Town,” just won First Place in the Humor category at the 21st Annual Midwest Book Awards Be sure to check out all the humor books from our UPPAA member…