Writing Romance Cover

The Romance Writer’s Guide

By Donna Winters

Romances are perhaps the most popular fictional genre today. The market is open to new writers and the supply of voracious readers is incalculable. But some specifics apply to romances that writers need to know.

Tips and Resources to Help You Capture Your Readers’ Hearts

Romances are perhaps the most popular fictional genre today. The market is open to new writers and the supply of voracious readers is incalculable. But some specifics apply to romances that writers need to know. Here’s a short list of what’s inside this guide:
• An overview of the current romance market, defining the most popular subgenres today
• Plot devices that are reader favorites, and ideas for combining two tropes for an even better story
• Advice on best practices that is currently missing from other “how-to” books
• An example of how a romance story is plotted, chapter by chapter
• Lists of resources for writers of both contemporary and historical stories






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