On Thursday, July 18 at 5 pm, come to the Escanaba Public Library (400 Ludington Street Escanaba, MI) where guest presenters Ron Riekki, Sue Harrison, Bonnie Jo Campbell, U.P. Youth Poet Laureate of Iron County Christopher Johnson, and U.P. Poet Laureate of Keweenaw County Barbara Simila will induct three new authors into the Upper Peninsula Literary Hall of Fame.
This year’s new inductees include Elinor Benedict, Tom Bissell, and Gloria Whelan. Come for a night of honoring these three authors with readings from their works and praise for their contributions to U.P. literature, and a guest reading by author Tom Bissell. Last year’s inductees included Sally Brunk, Jim Harrison, Sue Harrison, and Robert Traver.
This event is free and open to the public.