UP Notable Book Club: the Crystal Falls Community District Library in partnership with the U.P. Publishers & Authors Association (UPPAA) has scheduled author events with winners of the UP Notable Book List. The 26th event is with Terri Lynn Martin whose book The Home Wind presents the story of two boys, one white and one Native American, who must find their way through the difficulties of life on the road to becoming “men” at a logging camp in the 1870s era Upper Peninsula. The boys’ travels will take them to Escanaba, Seney, Menominee, and the surrounding area. These events are open to all U.P. residents free of charge.
When: Thursday, February 9th, 2023 at 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central
Where: on the Zoom platform — please contact Evelyn Gathu in advance by egathu@crystalfallslibrary.org, or by phone (906) 875-3344. We recommend you borrow a copy of these books from your local library or purchase from your local bookseller in advance to get the most out of these events.
TERRI LYNN MARTIN and her husband moved to the L’Anse area nearly 22 years ago and have no desire to live anywhere else, in spite of the 250+ inches of snowfall each winter. Terri is currently a regular contributor to UP Magazine (Porcupine Press) where she finds an outlet for her humorous stories. Anthologies of these stories can be found in her books: Church Lady Chronicles: Devilish Encounters (2021) and High on the Vine (2022). Terri’s recent middle-grade children’s novel, The Home Wind, received the 2022 U.P. Notable Book award. Her full-length novel Moose Willow Mystery: A Yooper Romance was just released.
“The boys’ first ‘man-making’ adventure together comes when the camp boss has the two of them go to Seney for supplies, which are running low near the end of the winter. Jamie sees firsthand how his friend is treated in the White world and the dangers to the two of them from people trying to steal the camp money and then the provisions. Gray Feather comes to the rescue in both instances.
“Once spring comes, Jamie’s mother remarries one of the logging camp men who has always been kind to Jamie. The family heads to Menominee and from there to a sawmill town, taking Gray Feather with them. The author puts readers right there on the steamer, pitching about in the waves of a strong wind as they head for Escanaba and then Menominee. I felt their seasickness just reading it.
“Gray Feather’s inner conflict and resolve to have revenge on his father—whom he has learned is in that area—comes to the surface. Jamie must decide how to help his friend, keep to what he knows to be right, and then be able to let Gray Feather go his own way. Both find their ‘home wind’, or purpose in life, in the process. The height of the action comes as a wildfire rips through the sawmill town. Readers can’t miss the symbolism found throughout the book and a wonderful way to learn about the past at the same time. This book should go far, and not just with young audiences. A great discussion guide can be found at the end of the book for classroom, homeschool, or adult book club use.”
—Review by Deborah Frontiera. Read the complete review at the U.P. Book Review.
More information about the U.P. Notable Book list, U.P. Book Review, and UPPAA can be found on www.UPNotable.com
About the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association (UPPAA)
Established in 1998 to support authors and publishers who live in or write about Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, UPPAA is a Michigan nonprofit association with more than 100 members, many of whose books are featured on the organization’s website at www.uppaa.org. UPPAA welcomes membership and participation from anyone with a UP connection who is interested in writing.
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