Hello Victor,
Thanks for reaching out! We still have room available for further authors, provided the weather is nice and we are able to hold the event outside. The small amount of space inside the book store was all reserved within a day. But if the weather is nice, I imagine everyone will want to be outside anyhow. I’ve attached below the invitation I initially sent out, with a few modifications; it includes the contact info for RSVPing. Feel free to forward the below invitation to interested parties! And I’ve placed your email on our contact list for future similar events.
Hello UP Authors,
Saturday, August 3rd from 11am-2pm we will be hosting a local author day here at the Canterbury Book Store! We’ve been looking forward to having another summer local author’s day here at the Canterbury, and we’ve finally settled on a date that hopefully works for most of you.
I invite all of you, and anyone else you know who may be interested, in attending and setting up a table to sell your books. If the weather is nice, we’ll have people setup on the sidewalk or in the empty lot next door. We unfortunately won’t have the use of the second floor this year because it is being occupied. Thus, if it rains, we won’t have room for more than 10 people inside. I cannot think of any better way to assign these guaranteed spots than to simply give them to the first 10 authors who RSVP.
But with a little luck, it will be a nice day, and as many authors as want to will be able to participate! If you would like to attend, simply reply back to this email, or send one to canterburybookstore@gmail.com, and let me know that you’ll be participating.
If you would like to participate, please bring your own folding table and chair (and maybe parasol?). We have a few spares, but it is certainly the case that we won’t have enough for everybody. We will handle all sales at our register, and are offering an 80/20 split for local author day – for every book of yours you sell, you get 80% of the retail value, and we get 20% of it. We will have a bathroom accessible on the first floor for everyone’s use.
Hopefully, that covers it, but if you have any questions, please do ask and I’ll do my best to answer them! Feel free to forward along to anyone you may know.