Peter White Public Library
UPPAA Spring 2017 Meeting
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Conference Schedule
- 10:00 – 10:30 – Registration
- 10:30 – 10:45 – Welcome and Opening remarks
- 10:45 – 11:45 – Keynote: The Art of Asking – Sue Harrison (Community Room)
- 11:45 – 12:45 Two tracks to choose from:
(A) Traditional Publishing – Rondi Olson (Community Room)
(B) Screenwriting (Lions Room) - 12:45 – 1:30 Lunch
- 1:30 – 1:45 – Business Meeting
- 1:45 – 2:15 UP Reader Book Release
- 2:30 – 3:30 Two tracks to choose from:
(A) Freelance Writing – Jackie Stark, Lee Arten, and Mikel Classen
(Community Room)
(B) Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy – Brandy Thomas (Lions Room) - 3:15 – 4:15 Two tracks to choose from:
(A) Social Media for Writers – Vicki Fee (Community Room)
(B) Comics and Graphic Novels – Emma Jezek and Brad Gischia (Lions Room) - 4:15 – 5:00 – Networking and Clean Up
Session Descriptions
“The Art of Asking” by Sue Harrison
In her keynote address, “The Art of Asking,” Sue Harrison will address the secrets and the pitfalls of presenting your work to literary agents and commercial publishers. Her talk will include stories about her own experiences with agents and publishers in the United States, Europe, and Asia, as well as what is expected from authors as they present their work through the all-important query letter.
“Traditional Publishing” by Rondi Olson
The focus of this session will be to educate writers on publication options with a focus on traditional publication. Many authors are unsure of what to do with their completed manuscripts. Traditional publication has always been an appealing option, but with a great number of authors successfully publishing indie, some wonder what value is left in being traditionally published. In this session we will review the pros and cons of traditional versus indie publication, discuss what agents and editors are looking for, and outline what to expect with the traditional publication process. Those attending will be better able to decide which publication route is best for them, and if they decide to pursue traditional publication, have a clearer understanding of what the industry is looking for and how to tailor their work to catch the attention of an agent or editor.
“Screenwriting” by Kyle Hulkonen
Kyle Hulkonen is the writer and producer of the film Waiting For Wiig, the Audience Choice award winner for Best Narrative Short at the 2016 Soo Film Festival. Born and raised in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Kyle received a Writing degree from Northern Michigan University and worked several years in television as a commercial writer and producer for WLUC-TV6. He currently resides in Negaunee, MI and works for State Farm Insurance as a property adjuster. Kyle will present his screenwriting journey, from first idea to crowdfunding, and shooting a film in the UP.
“Freelance Writing” with Jackie Stark, Lee Arten and Mikel Classen
“Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy” by Brandy Thomas
Brandy Thomas is an independent editor who has a wide range of experience with science fiction and fantasy. This session will address writing issues that are common, and sometimes particular to the science fiction and fantasy genres. Incorporating examples of classic and modern speculative fiction, she will examine world building, characterization, and a host of other issues, as seen from an editor’s perspective.
“Social Media for Writers” by Vickie Fee
- Choosing your platform: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Blogging. A general overview of the strengths of each.
- Detailed look at Facebook — Twelve Tips to Make Facebook Work for You as an Author. Includes discussion of: Benefits of page vs. profile and do you need both? How often should you post? What should you post? Planning ahead, Driving traffic to your website.
“Comics and Graphic Novels” by Emma Jezek and Brad Gischia
Local comic artists Emma Jezek, creator of “Breathe,” and Brad Gischia, creator of “The Curiosity Shop,” will share a panel about all aspects of producing comics and graphic novels. The discussion will encompass everything from how to work out storytelling visually, to character design, to how to self-publish your works or find a publisher that suits you.