Our M&M Series chronicles violent crime that rocked a region, county or city during a period of history. These books are composed of between 3o,ooo and 35,ooo words and 3o to 35 images.
THP handles all stages of the publishing process—from financing, editorial, design, and production to sales, marketing, and
A first edition print run for us is around 1,5oo copies and we’re assisted by a terrific team of publicists who work tirelessly to promote the book. In addition, our sales and marketing staff does a great job of getting our books into the hands of a local audience — in addition to Barnes & Noble, we have sold books to the independent trade, in hardware stores, nail salons, car washes and even bait shops!
While THP does not offer advancements, I believe there is a high sales potential for this project as I don’t see anything quite like it currently on the market. Plus, the M&M Series boasts some of the bestselling books in our catalogue.
Please know that our books are professionally bound. From copy editors to line editors to new media, over a dozen different people will touch the book as it passes through production.
Working with THP, you would have a high level of autonomy over the content, but we would be available to assist as much as you feel is necessary. Your main part of the equation would be the manuscript and photographs. We would take it from there.
If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in tackling such a topic, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Greg Dumais
Commissioning Editor
The History Press
ph: 843-577-5971, ext. 156
645 Meeting Street Suite 200
Charleston, SC 29403