Author: Victor
My Marquette by Tyler R. Tichelaar
[youtube=] New book My Marquette from UPPAA author Tyler R. Tichelaar
Kathy Kuczek – Author Appearances!
Kathy Kuczek will be signing her new book Hamsters After Dark in local bookstores! Rainbow’s End Alpacas & Rainbow Gifts just outside of Norway, MI on Oct 30th. They just had a big open house for their new beautiful building. If you’ve never been in there it’s worth…
Gail Kurin retirement party on Oct 13
Hi Everyone, Gail, longtime manager of the Country Village Bookstore in Ishpeming, is retiring. Below is the information for her retirement party if you are interested in attending or expressing good wishes and thanks to her. Since it’s only a few days away, I think it’s easier if everyone who…
Summer 2010 Newsletter!
Valerie Bradley-Holliday, PhD – Writing as a Working Mom
On September 16th, 2010 Tyler R. Tichelaar and Victor R. Volkman spoke with author, social worker, and busy mom Valerie Bradley-Holliday, PhD. Valerie’s doctorate degree is from The Union Institute and University, a distance-learning program based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her specialization is Social Psychology. She has a Master of Social…
Lon Emerick signing books Munising & Marquette
Lon Emerick will sign his new book Paradise North — Seasons in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan at Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore in Munising on Saturday October 9th from 12 -2 pm. Lon Emerick, author, and Mark Mitchell, local artist and photographer, will sign copies of Emerick’s new book…
Rich Hill to appear at Sault Ste. Marie on 9/11
Join author Rich Hill Sat.,9/11, for new book Hitchhiking After Dark. Soo, MI at Book World (11 to 1), Up North Books (2-4pm)
Join us for the UPAA 2010 Fall Meeting!
My Marquette: Explore the Queen City of the North Its History, People, and Places With Native Son Tyler R. Tichelaar
NEW BOOKS by UPPAA members have been added to the following catalog pages: Adult Nonfiction/History/Marquette — one book by Tyler R. Tichelaar
Hitchhiking After Dark: Offbeat Stories from a Small Town
NEW BOOKS by UPPAA members have been added to the following catalog pages: Adult Nonfiction/Humor — one book by Richard Hill
Paradise North Seasons in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
NEW BOOKS by UPPAA members have been added to the following catalog pages: Adult Nonfiction — one book by Lon L. Emerick
Fall 2010 Meeting registration is open!
Join us for the Fall 2010 Meeting of the UPPAA with an exciting selection of speakers and workshops. Visit the registration and information pages.
Site Updates
MEMBER BLOGS page has been updated with Paul Petosky’s blog. SPRING 2010 NEWSLETTER added to the Newsletter page for download.
Site Updates
NEW BOOKS by UPPAA members have been added to the following catalog pages: Adult Nonfiction — one book by Victor Volkman Juvenile Fiction — one book by Leslie Allen Be sure to check them out! CONFERENCE AGENDA UPDATE Jan Huttenstine replaces Lynn Emerick on afternoon Panel Discussion.
NEW – Member Blogs
We’ve just added a page with links to blogs written by UPPAA members. Be sure to visit these blogs and add comments on what your fellow members are discussing. Don’t delay…check out the Member Blogs page today!
Site Updates
NEW BOOKS by UPPAA members have been added to the following catalog pages: Adult Fiction — three books by George Nilsen Adult Nonfiction — one book by Valerie Bradley-Holliday and another book by Robert Dobson Be sure to check them out! NEW NEWSLETTER (Winter 2010) is posted and available for…
Upcoming Book Fairs
Frankfurt Book Fair,, October 6-10, 2010, Frankfurt, Germany Los Angeles Times Festival of Books,, April 24-25, 2010 BookExpo America,, May 25-27, 2010, New York City National Book Festival,, Fall 2010, Washington, DC London Book Fair,, April 19-21, 2010 American Library Association Annual Conference, June…
Welcome to UPPAA’s New Website
We’ve redesigned the UPPAA website to make it easier to maintain, update, and navigate. We urge you to spend some time browsing the site. Your Board of Directors will add information about news and events on this home page, so check back frequently to keep up with what’s going on…