*History Hounds Off the Leash*
I Choose Not to Serve: Germfask’s WWII Public Service Camp
Tuesday, March 30, noon-1 p.m.
with Jane Kopecky, Author
During World War II, some American conscientious objectors refused to do any alternative service. Some went to Public Service Camp 135 in Germfask, Michigan. The Selective Service wanted to isolate and analyze them. The objectors rebelled with nonviolent protests that made Germfask notorious as the Alcatraz of Public Service camps.
On March 30th, UPPAA’s award-winning author Jane Kopecky delivers a Zoom talk related to her book about conscientious objectors housed in Germfask MI in World War 2. If you’re already a member of History Society of Michigan, there is no charge. You can sign up as an HSM member and join for free or there is a nominal $7 charge to attend just this one session remotely.
To register: https://hsmichigan.org/
A small group of World War II political dissidents reveal how they survived what they called America’s Siberia Concentration Camp. Before the Vietnam War Americans considered conscientious objectors equal to criminals. This book sheds much needed light on the little known conscientious objector camp at Germfask, Michigan, how the local community responded to the camp, and how opinions have changed.