Fighting CPS: Guilty Until Proven Innocent of Child Protective Services Charges

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Fighting CPS

Fighting CPS

Whenever we read about the death of a child as a result of abuse, we heap righteous indignation—and rightly so—upon the agency responsible for protecting our children. We want to hold someone accountable for such tragic and unnecessary death. However, Deborah K. Frontiera’s book, Fighting CPS: Guilty Until Proven Innocent of Child Protective Services Charges, exposes another aspect of this agency’s incompetence.
That aspect involves the consequences of false accusations of abuse against innocent families. The trauma to children wrongfully removed from their families, the legal ramifications and stress to innocent families assumed to be guilty without due process is just as wrong as allowing children to remain in clearly abusive homes. Fighting CPS not only documents what happened to the Frontiera and Bonilla families as the result of such an accusation but also includes cases from several states other thanTexas which demonstrate that such problems are not restricted to any particular state and happen much more frequently than the public would prefer to believe.

One Comment

  1. How do they do this? They drum up character assassinations based on subjective interpretations of ambiguous testing data. Could you or I be evaluated as treating one child as a baby, or making another child take on the role of parent? Could we be too attached to our children, or just noticeably detached? Could they watch too much television or play too many video games? Could they have too much help with homework or not enough? No matter what the evaluator sees, it can be twisted. The real question is are these reasons to take children away from their own family? It’s a lucrative industry between the state and the pseudo-psycho army.

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