Volkman reviews Tyler R. Tichelaar’s “Kawbawgam: The Chief, The Legend, The Man”

UPPAA The cover of kawwagam the chief, the legend, the man.

by Victor R. Volkman, Senior Editor, Modern History Press TITLE: Kawbagam: The Chief, The Legend, The Man AUTHOR: Tyler R. Tichelaar PUB DATE: Nov. 2020 PUBLISHER: Marquette Fiction. Kawbawgam  by Tyler R. Tichelaar, PhD, is the first woke history of Native Americans in Upper Michigan that I have read. I’ll…

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Fran Lewis reviews “The Chronicles of the Henry Roach Dairier: The Inception of the Combined Colonies” by Deborah K. Frontiera

The Inception of the Combined Colonies:

The Chronicles of the Henry Roach Dairier: The Inception of the Combined Colonies by Deborah K. Frontiera Creating a world that mirrors one of humans is quite inventive and ingenious. Imagine one where the only inhabitants are ants and roaches and as people of different economic or racial backgrounds each…

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